Virtual Call Available Anytime

TEXT (615) 719-7220 to request a phone call consult.
History of all past medical diagnosis, family medical history, medications, full exam (no labs).
200 US dollarsFull exam pap smear, HPV, stool, screening mammogram order (no labs)
150 US dollarsWalk in patients, minor injuries or ill like symptoms
150 US dollarsLabs not included
100 US dollarsSee pricing on Intravenous (IV) tab above
$ 125 - $ 350No labs or testing included if needed.
40 US dollarsLabs or any test are additional.
100 US dollarsLabs, and testing additional fee.
100 US dollars1-2 diagnosis - phone consultation
75 US dollars3 or more diagnosis - phone consultation
100 US dollarsExam, Labs: CBC, CMP, A1C, PT/PTT, INR, HCG, HIV, Ferritin
275 US dollarsExam, Labs: Cortisol, DHEA-S, Estradiol, FSH, LH, Insulin, Thyroid Panel, Testosterone, SHBG.
250 US dollarsexam, Labs: Testosterone, Prolactin, DHEA-S, Cortisol, DHT, Estradiol, FSH, LH, SHBG.
250 US dollarsEach test priced separately (+acute visit fee)
50 US dollars- 50 US dollars
Intramuscular or Intravenous
50 US dollarsIntramuscular only
50 US dollarsIntramuscular or Intravenous
50 US dollarsCurette or Irrigation
20 US dollarsPatient must provide forms
25 US dollars- 25 US dollars